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Sor Luisa María

Sister Luisa María, Poor Clare nun of the Monastery of Santa Clara in Hellín (Albacete).

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“They always acted with enormous simplicity”

An immense peace permeates the air in the tranquil convent of the Franciscan Poor Clares of Santa Clara of Assisi. In this spiritual refuge, Sister Luisa María reminisces about a crucial chapter in the convent’s history, marked by the arrival of Luis Valls.

The story begins when the convent is going through a severe financial crisis. A couple from Alcázar de San Juan, moved by the sisters’ difficult situation, published an emotional ad in the newspaper: “SOS: Our convent is going under, please help us.” Then, Luis Valls and his brother Pedro discreetly came forward, offering help without revealing much about their identity, and describing themselves only as “bank employees.”

This gesture of humility and discretion began a deep and lasting supportive relationship. Luis Valls and his family became consistently involved, offering interest-free loans for renovations and essential needs of the convent. Sister Luisa María highlights the uniqueness of these loans: “We repaid every penny but not a single penny in interest.”

Like Pedro and Javier, Luis Valls and his brothers visited the convent regularly. These visits were moments of simplicity and closeness, where they listened to the sisters’ needs and offered support. “They always acted with enormous simplicity,” Sister Luisa María remembers.

What impressed the sisters most was Luis Valls’ desire to keep his generosity anonymous. The only favor he asked was for them to pray for him and his works, something which reflected his humility and commitment.

Luis Valls, president of one of the country’s most important banks, left an indelible mark on the convent, and his silent generosity and dedication to humble causes continue to inspire.

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Extended version (7 min.)

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